'Snow in the Hills, Turner Valley, 1977' portrays a stark winter terrain. The scene is marked by a snowfall enshrouding a river valley. A prominent, ice-bound river slices through the...
"Snow in the Hills, Turner Valley, 1977" portrays a stark winter terrain. The scene is marked by a snowfall enshrouding a river valley. A prominent, ice-bound river slices through the landscape, its rich teal hues standing in stark relief against the snow's purity and the warm earth colors of the land. Mid-scene, the cliffs rise abruptly, their snowy mantles partially unveiling sedimentary bands of browns, oranges, and whites. The cliffs are speckled with scant greenery. Beyond, the hills roll gently, veiled by a sky heavy with falling snow, hinting at the relentless snowfall. The painting's brushwork is vivid and dynamic, injecting life and a certain untamed quality into the wintry vista.