Buy or Sell Investment Grade Canadian Art at Rookleys

  • Sails and Shores

    Sails and Shores: Iconic Boat Scenes from Canadian Artists

    July 3 - September 1, 2024
    Image of Sails and Shores, Iconic Boat Scenes from Canadian Artists

Sails & Shores

July 3 - September 1


  • Welcome to Rookleys Canadian Art

  • Welcome to Rookleys Canadian Art Gallery in Ridgeway, Ontario, where we proudly bring Canadian art to the Niagara region, just a short drive from Buffalo, New York. Unlike the bustling art scenes of Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver, Rookleys offers a relaxing experience for art enthusiasts eager to explore, buy, and sell important Canadian artworks.


    Our gallery prides itself on housing an extensive collection that showcases the history of Canadian art, including masterpieces from the Group of Seven and their contemporaries. These iconic artists, including A.Y. Jackson, A.J. Casson, and Tom Roberts, and many others, have left an indelible mark on the art world with their distinctive portrayals of Canada's landscapes and cultural heritage.


    Rookleys' mission extends beyond merely displaying art; we are dedicated to fostering a community that celebrates and preserves the legacy of Canadian artists. Our curated selection spans various genres and periods, featuring works by cultural icons like Maud Lewis, Walter Joseph Phillips, and John Kasyn, ensuring that every visit offers a new perspective on Canada's artistic achievements.


    Our commitment to excellence is evident in the services we provide. Whether you're a seasoned collector or new to the art world, Rookleys offers expert art appraisal and sales advice, ensuring your acquisitions are both meaningful and a wise investment. Additionally, our gallery regularly hosts exhibitions, and events that enrich the cultural landscape of Ridgeway and beyond.


    Rookleys Canadian Art Gallery is more than a destination; it's a journey through the heart of Canadian artistry. We invite you to immerse yourself in the beauty and diversity of Canadian paintings, from the raw, evocative landscapes of the Group of Seven to the intricate expressions of the Montreal street artists. Discover the spirit of Canada through its art, and let Rookleys be your guide to acquiring pieces that resonate with the soul of our great nation.

  • Our Exhibition

    May Spotlight Exhibition: May 1st - May 31st 2024.