Marc-Aurele Fortin's 'Scène de Val-Jalbert' offers a captivating portrayal of a winter village landscape, exuding a raw charm that is characteristically evocative of his unique style. The painting immerses...
Marc-Aurele Fortin's "Scène de Val-Jalbert" offers a captivating portrayal of a winter village landscape, exuding a raw charm that is characteristically evocative of his unique style. The painting immerses the viewer into a quaint village scene covered in a blanket of snow. The juxtaposition of vibrant houses against the stark white landscape provides a beautiful play of color and contrast. Fortin uses strong, bold strokes, building the structures with hues of red, green, and teal, giving them a sense of solidity amidst the ethereal snow-covered surroundings. Canadian Art