Painted in 1962 during his late teenage years, Drum’s Still Life with Glads was sourced from his father’s estate in the month of August, 2024. The 29.5 x 17 inch...
Painted in 1962 during his late teenage years, Drum’s Still Life with Glads was sourced from his father’s estate in the month of August, 2024. The 29.5 x 17 inch piece zeroes in on a gold vase, and the bouquet held within. Droppings from the bouquet lay around the base of the vase, seeming to have fallen from the bouquet itself, as the leaves have either bent to age or were cut away in the preparation of the bouquet itself. A singular flower stem has been discarded in front of the flowers, adding asymmetry and pulling the eye downwards to the bottom left corner of the masonite board.
The flower arrangement is set in front of a cool and muted sea-foam coloured backdrop. It is this muted quality which works to emphasize and contrast the saturated hues of the red, orange, and yellow flower petals. As blue and orange are complementary to each other, this choice also serves to create harmony within the composition.
With their softly blended edges, the petals elicit a relaxing experience in their audience, where one may gaze into the painting and feel time slow to a viscous pace.