The artwork is an abstract representation titled 'Arbutus Tree' by Canadian artist Henry Glyde, created in 1968. The painting is characterized by bold, expressive brushstrokes and a vibrant palette of...
The artwork is an abstract representation titled "Arbutus Tree" by Canadian artist Henry Glyde, created in 1968. The painting is characterized by bold, expressive brushstrokes and a vibrant palette of oranges, blues, and greens. The composition focuses on the twisting form of an arbutus tree, which is depicted using angular and curved shapes that intersect and overlap, creating a sense of depth and movement. The use of color is striking, with the warm tones of the tree's bark standing out against the cooler shades in the background. The painting's texture and the thick application of paint add to its dynamic quality. This piece is reflective of Glyde's modernist approach to landscape painting, where he often abstracted natural forms to emphasize their underlying rhythms and structures.