The Old Loom by Edwin Holgate is a 3.75 x 4 inch wood engraving on paper that was produced in 1927 and is initialled in the bottom left corner. The piece depicts a solitary woman working at her loom. She wears an apron, her hair pulled back in a bun on the top of her head as she hunches over her enormous machine. The print is produced in entirely black ink on stark white paper. Holgate uses solid shapes to frame the piece. Radiating lines throughout add movement and lead the eye around the composition. The silhouette of the figure and the perspective from which she is depicted makes it seem as if she is being viewed from the shadows, unaware she is being watched as she works at her craft.
This piece was on display at Willock and Sax Gallery in Banff, Alberta and Winchester Galleries in Victoria, BC before being added to the Rookleys collection.